If we do not engage certain parts of our brain, those neural circuits become inactive starts to deteriorate.
Correct training of the brain can enhance the functioning of that area and your performance.
The training must be specific to the task you want to improve, in order stimulate the required neural circuitry and facilitate neuroplastic changes.
You must do a significant number of repetitions to see improvements. These changes are more likely to be maintained over time.
There needs to be a sufficient level of challenge to the task you are training in order for neuroplasticity to occur.
The sooner rehabilitation occurs after a neurological injury, the better the opportunity for recovery via neuroplasticity. Having said that neuroplasticity can still occur long after an injury.
The training provided must be meaningful and relevant to the client. The training needs to occur in an environment where the client can be focused and mentally focused and immersed in the task they are doing for neuroplasticity to occur. The more they can take away from the session the better the neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity can be induced in people of all ages and conditions. But occurs more readily in younger brains.
Movement and skills learnt in therapy must be transferred to real world activities as soon as appropriate.
If the neurological condition to left untreated, functional reorganisation in the brain and compensatory behaviours are seen. Sometimes for neuroplasticity to occur, unwanted movements need to be unlearnt.
Neuroplasticity is also a phenomenon that aids brain recovery after a neurological event. The ability to manipulate specific neuronal pathways and synapses has important implications for therapeutic interventions that can improve health.
Specific exercise, cognitive and function training, combined with neuropharmacology can influence brain plasticity and can help improve the patient's quality of life.
Neurological rehabilitation can enhance brain and neuromuscular adaptation. Therefore, a structured intensive and multidisciplinary approach to neurological interventions can teach, guide, and promote brain plasticity.
Neuroplastic-specific techniques can include:-
Motor Learning
Task Analysis and Task-Specific Training
Neurodevelopmental treatment (Bobath)
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)